Cultura autoriza la destrucción parcial del camín prehistóricu de Carondio
Posted by Carondio on Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Under: Obra illegal
Fecha: 30/12/2009 a las 12:49:33
Les obres que se tán faciendo n’A Serra de Carondio pa instalar ellí un parque eólicu cuenten, según fontes de la Coordinadora Ecoloxista, col preste de la Conseyería de Cultura. La Coordinadora Ecoloxista denunciara’l 7 d’avientu pasáu énte Patrimoniu, la Fiscalía y la Guardia Civil l’estrozu d’una parte del camín prehistóricu conocíu como La Carreiriega de los Gallegos pa facer les pistes que dan pasu a la maquinaria que va instalar ellí los aeroxeneradores. Na denuncia pidíase la paralización de les obres por afección al patrimoniu históricu.
Ayeri martes, 22 díes depués de la denuncia, un arqueólogu de la Conseyería de Cultura, acompañáu del serviciu técnicu del Seprona, xubió a Carondio a valorar los daños. Al parecer, esos estrozos taben autorizaos nel proyectu de Cultura, que prevía convertir parte d’esta vía antigua en vial pal parque eólicu. Polo tanto, cuéntase archivar la denuncia. A pesar de les peticiones de contino de la Coordinadora Ecoloxista, la Conseyería de Cultura nun-y dexó acceder al espediente del parque.
Na rodiada, d’altu valor arqueolóxicu –con 34 túmulos catalogaos, aparte del camín prehistóricu, La Carreiriega de los Gallegos, y los restos de lo que too indica que ye un campamentu romanu–, HC Energía va instalar 25 aeroxeneradortes de 60 metros d’altor.
Fuente: Les Noticies
English Version:
The Cultural Council of Asturias [Consejeria de Cultura] authorizes the partial destruction of the prehistoric roadway of Mt. Carondio
The construction work taking place in Mt. Carondio to build a wind farm has been authorized by the Cultural Council of Asturias, according to the Coordinadora Ecoloxista d'Asturies (CEA), an environmental group.
CEA filed a complaint on December 7 (2009) with the Heritage Department of Asturias [Seccion de Patrimonio], as well as public prosecutors and the Civil Guard, arguing that bulldozers had razed part of the Neolithic roadway known locally as La Carreiriega de los Gal.legos.
Earth-moving equipment on Mt. Carondio is breaking ground in order to facilitate the installation of wind turbines. In its complaint, CEA asked for an immediate halt to the construction work which is affecting this heritage site.
Last Tuesday, 22 days after the complaint was filed, an archaeologist from the Cultural Council, together with a technician from SEPRONA [police and civil guard unit for rural areas] went to Mt. Carondio to assess the damage. Apparently, the destruction underway was authorized by the Cultural Council, which had given permission to the electricity company to use the ancient roadway as an access road.
Therefore, the Cultural Council has decided to disregard the complaint. Despite repeated attempts to view the Cultural Council's project for a wind farm in Mt. Carondio, access to the file was denied.
At the foot of Mt. Carondio, an area rich in archaeology including 34 Neolithic burial tombs as well as a newly discovered Roman military camp, HC Energia plans to install 25 wind turbines measuring 60 meters.
Les obres que se tán faciendo n’A Serra de Carondio pa instalar ellí un parque eólicu cuenten, según fontes de la Coordinadora Ecoloxista, col preste de la Conseyería de Cultura. La Coordinadora Ecoloxista denunciara’l 7 d’avientu pasáu énte Patrimoniu, la Fiscalía y la Guardia Civil l’estrozu d’una parte del camín prehistóricu conocíu como La Carreiriega de los Gallegos pa facer les pistes que dan pasu a la maquinaria que va instalar ellí los aeroxeneradores. Na denuncia pidíase la paralización de les obres por afección al patrimoniu históricu.
Ayeri martes, 22 díes depués de la denuncia, un arqueólogu de la Conseyería de Cultura, acompañáu del serviciu técnicu del Seprona, xubió a Carondio a valorar los daños. Al parecer, esos estrozos taben autorizaos nel proyectu de Cultura, que prevía convertir parte d’esta vía antigua en vial pal parque eólicu. Polo tanto, cuéntase archivar la denuncia. A pesar de les peticiones de contino de la Coordinadora Ecoloxista, la Conseyería de Cultura nun-y dexó acceder al espediente del parque.
Na rodiada, d’altu valor arqueolóxicu –con 34 túmulos catalogaos, aparte del camín prehistóricu, La Carreiriega de los Gallegos, y los restos de lo que too indica que ye un campamentu romanu–, HC Energía va instalar 25 aeroxeneradortes de 60 metros d’altor.
Fuente: Les Noticies
English Version:
The Cultural Council of Asturias [Consejeria de Cultura] authorizes the partial destruction of the prehistoric roadway of Mt. Carondio
The construction work taking place in Mt. Carondio to build a wind farm has been authorized by the Cultural Council of Asturias, according to the Coordinadora Ecoloxista d'Asturies (CEA), an environmental group.
CEA filed a complaint on December 7 (2009) with the Heritage Department of Asturias [Seccion de Patrimonio], as well as public prosecutors and the Civil Guard, arguing that bulldozers had razed part of the Neolithic roadway known locally as La Carreiriega de los Gal.legos.
Earth-moving equipment on Mt. Carondio is breaking ground in order to facilitate the installation of wind turbines. In its complaint, CEA asked for an immediate halt to the construction work which is affecting this heritage site.
Last Tuesday, 22 days after the complaint was filed, an archaeologist from the Cultural Council, together with a technician from SEPRONA [police and civil guard unit for rural areas] went to Mt. Carondio to assess the damage. Apparently, the destruction underway was authorized by the Cultural Council, which had given permission to the electricity company to use the ancient roadway as an access road.
Therefore, the Cultural Council has decided to disregard the complaint. Despite repeated attempts to view the Cultural Council's project for a wind farm in Mt. Carondio, access to the file was denied.
At the foot of Mt. Carondio, an area rich in archaeology including 34 Neolithic burial tombs as well as a newly discovered Roman military camp, HC Energia plans to install 25 wind turbines measuring 60 meters.
In : Obra illegal