

Para que
veáis como se las gasta el Principado: hoy que era el último día que tenían de la Consejería de Cultura de plazo para contestarnos (1 mes desde la presentación). Nos dicen que para poder acceder a ver el expediente tenemos que acreditar:

— representación,
— el objeto social

— la capacidad de obrar ante las Administraciones,

Os adjuntamos la carta certificada que nos acaba de llegar. Es una vergüenza las trabas que se nos pone, solo para tomar vista.

(Adjuntado abajo: la carta recibido por Fruti Pontigo
la Coordinadora Ecoloxista d'Asturies.)


This is an official response from the Principality of Asturias so get an idea of how things are managed. Today (Oct. 28, 2009) was the last day within the one-month period in which the Cultural Council was legally bound to answer our request to view the file for the proposed wind farm project in Mt. Carondio. We received this letter exactly one month after first asking to view it. Now they tell us that in order to access the file we must first meet the following conditions:

  • The name of the legal representation for the Coordinadora Ecoloxista d'Asturies (CEA, Environmental Group for Asturias)
  • The subjective interests inherent to the Group and its mandate, and which, in their relation to the preservation of the historic legacy of Asturias, justify its request to view the file of the wind farm at Mt. Carondio.
  • The ability of the Group to deal with the Asturian regional administration.

Attached is the original letter so you can judge for yourself. It's outrageous to see the kind of barriers they impose on us.

(Belos:Letter from the Council for Culture & Tourism received by Fruti Pontigo, Head of the CEA)

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